
Alex, Sophia

Our dog was Alex. He showed up December 23, 1984, the year we were married. Apparently some heartless person threw him away because he was about 13, had a cataract in one eye and was not cute any more. After one day and a good bath he was in our bed. We took him to the doggy ophthalmolgists and was assured that he was able to see in the other eye and was fine. Alex was a kind and gentle soul. About 6 months after he found us he was hit by a car and lost his tail. Alex was a collie mix and now blind in one eye and tailess.

We had a vacation home on the Maryland shore in a high rise which housed a lot of pretentious folks that did not understand Alex’s special qualities because he was not “pretty”. When I took him to the doggy walk and people would look at him as less than equal to their beautiful pedigreed dogs I would tell them that he lost his eye and tail in the fire while saving our 6 children. Admiration grew for Alex and he became the hallowed one. Alex passed on New Year’s Eve, 3 years after he came to us. He had a stroke and fell into the bay. One of the most tender moments I will ever remember of my husband was him retrieving his body in 20 degree weather.

I know that Alex is in a special place that trains puppies to become good dogs before they come to earth. Alex was the Master. We miss him daily and he taught me that I can not live without a dog. I am writing this as Sophia sits on my lap. Thank you for such a wonderful story. You have endeared yourself into my heart even more.

Anonymous from MD

2 Responses

  1. Jackie Harrop Says:

    I just finished reading your book. I didn’t want to put it down once I started reading. Sorry about Sprite. He sounded so lovable. I don’t have any dogs at the present time, but have a cat that I dearly love. Buffy is our”little daughter” since our two sons are grown and moved away. She is so precious to me such a big part of our lives.

    Thanks you your book,

  2. Jackie Harrop Says:

    I just finished reading your book. I didn’t want to put it down once I started reading. Sorry about Sprite. He sounded so lovable. I don’t have any dogs at the present time, but have a cat that I dearly love. Buffy is our”little daughter” since our two sons are grown and moved away. She is so precious to us and such a big part of our lives.

    Thanks you for your book,