
Nikki and Max

I received Rescuing Sprite as a Christmas gift this year..the only thing I actually asked for from my family. I read it the first night. I have 2 dogs, both goldens, Nicki 7 yrs and Max 2.5 yrs. they are my world. I have no children of the human type, but Nicki and Max are my furry 4 legged children. Which only dog lovers can comprehend. Thank you Mark for telling your story so eloquently as I fear the day of either of my dogs passing.


I lost my Father this past year who died in my home from cancer. It was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. Knowing how that grief still feels I wonder how I will ever rebound from the loss of my dear Nicki and Max. They were also the light of my Fathers life as he lived with me for 3 years before his passing. The night he passed, the pups never left his side for one second..as he was having difficulty breathing the pups would change positions on his bed to help him feel better. At one point I told the dogs to get down because Granpop was strugging with them there. One of the few things my Father said that night was”No, leave them. my dogs are fine I want them with me” At 100 lbs a piece, the pups made room for themselves and Grandpop and laid with him till the final moment. I had stepped out of the room to walk some friends to the door and in that moment my dear Father decided it was his time. It was Nicki who came to me, nudged under my hand and pulled me back to the room where Max held vigile with my departed father. Once I realized, strangely both dogs would no longer look at my father, but enter the room backward as if saying..we know where Grandpop is, we don’t want to look at just his body but they sat by me sad as I cried and waited for the nurses and funeral home to arrive. They would not leave my side and provided more comfort than I could ever imagine. I can’t imagine losing either of them, but your book has helped me realize that I will survive it and I would not be alone in my grief. You just have to have the right friends that understand the bond between a dog and your heart. Thank you for writing rescuing Sprite. I bet he is up there keeping my Dad happy too with his sweet loving nature.
Thank you for sharing your story.

Kelly from PA