
Lani, Fluffy

I have a rescuing story for you but it is different from your story. In 1999 I bought a beautiful German Shepherd from a breeder in Missouri who imports his shepherds from Germany. Lani was her name and every where I went in my pickup people would stop and look at her. At this time I lived in our home on the Patuxtant. We then sold the house so I moved back to my home ijn Rockville. After a few weeks we realized we could not keep Lani in a cage and she did not have the 5 acres to roam. We saw a German Shepherd rescue was to be held at Petsmart. We took Lani and she was the star of the shop. A family with a teenage daughter kept stopping by. Later we got a call from the rescue group that they wanted to adopt Lani. It broke our hearts but she went to the best loving family there is. We still miss her.

Before Lani we had an American Eskimo that was our baby. She lived to be about 13 years but she became so ill there was only one thing to do. We will never forget Fluffy. Thanks for your book. I cry every time I read it.


Wayne from MD