

I had a little dog that looked just like Griffen without the black spots on the nose and ears. Her name was Tootie.

Tootie came to our family in a most unusual way. My wife and daughter(then age 2) were at a garage sale. The lady having the garage sale noticed her dog and my daughter had become instant friends. The lady asked my wife if it would be alright to give the dog to my daughter because she was moving to a place that did not allow pets and had been trying to find a good home for the little 2yr old dog. My wife, rather surprised, agreed to let my daughter take the dog. For the next 11 years, my daughter and Tootie grew up together. My daughter proudly called Tootie the “The Garage Sale Dog.” We had to put Tootie on the “Doggie Heaven Train” at age 13 due to many painful health problems that caused her much suffering.

Your book is so helpful to those of us who have had to go through the process of parting with a best friend.

Now, I would like to do something for you in return for you special gift to all of us. I have a gift for you. First I’ll explain how I came to create this gift that I want to give you.

In 1992 I came home and Tootie met me at the door with her usual excitement as if she had not seen me in weeks. I started thinking how much dogs love us. No matter if we forget to feed or water them, if we leave them outside to long or discipline them a little harshly. They always forgive us and give us every ounce of altruistic love in their little or large bodies. So I set down and wrote a song titled “Dogs Don’t Care If You’re Ugly.” I made a simple but quality studio recording of the song. I could tell you much more about the song but the song stands on its own merit. I will say the song will take any dog lover down memory lane with a few smiles along the way.

I would like to send you a CD of the song as a gift of thanks for your wonderful gift to so many. But I don’t know where to send it to make sure you will receive it. If you can send me an email with information as to how I can contact you or get the CD to you, I’ll get it in the mail ASAP.

Thank you once again for your wonderful gift to all us.

Harvey from OK