
Pico de Gallo

One never understands the unconditional love of a dog until one experiences it.

Recently we were forced into the painful decision to let an adored Ibizan Hound named Pico de Gallo go on ahead of us.

Pico was always happy and enthusiastic about everything….food and walks and children. At 13 1/2 years old he was in human years 110, yet he still jumped and bounced around when you asked him if he wanted to go for a walk, or if he’d like a baby carrot (his candy). His arthritis had to have been very painful toward the end, but he never cried or whined. I guess you would have to say, he really sufferered in silence.

When the time came, because he hated the car so much, we put his leach on and my husband and I walked him 1/2 mile to the vet, early one Arizona summer morning when the pavement was still cool enough on his feet. This was our first experience at being present to say goodbye and watch our a beloved pet close his big amber eyes for the last time. I weep profusely as I write this, even though it has been several months now. He was a treasure.

Soon, we will get a grip and adopt another dog into our lives. How could anyone be without the love of a dog?

The photograph was taken the morning we bid goodbye to this prince of a dog.

Nancy from AZ