

Mr Levin

I watched you on H&C the other night, and was very touched. My wife and I are dealing with the loss of our cat Pepper. She was 17 years old, and her health went down hill very fast. She’s my wife’s cat since she was a kitten, and came into my life 7 years ago when we met. I can identify with every emotion that you are going through. When I had to put my dog to sleep many many years ago I had to talk to a close friend because I didn’t understand what I was going through. He told me that it was like losing a family member, and you need to give yourself the grieving process. So I had to live through it again just last month. My deepest sympathy to you and your family for your loss. It is such an endless void, a black hole in our chests, she was the best. Always there, always loving……. unconditionally.
Take Care and enjoy everyday with your pets, they are gifts.

Anthony from Nevada