

A year after I lost my husband to cancer I lost my first Golden and beloved friend, Penny. We had other dogs that I loved too, but Penny was special, a kinder soul never lived. Penny was barely 5 years old when a brain tumor took her. I was miserable and alone ( in the human sense). Penny’s death lead me to rescue another Golden, that turned out to be an Irish Setter. I became involved with the local Irish Setter rescue program and have fostered about 20 dogs in the last few years. Two of these dogs I adopted. Both were older males with arthritis and some other health issues. Both were loved to the end and kindly helped on to Rainbow Bridge when life got too difficult for them. I now have 3 geriatric dogs of my own that cause me to appreciate every moment I still have with them. Every one is special, some touch you heart more than others, just like people do. I love being able to help a foster dog blossum and find the perfect family. I love having my own dogs even knowing that one day I will have to make more hard decisions. The love and joy of a dog is worth all of the pain at the journey’s end. Had it not been for Penny I might never have found this rescue cause to appreciate and be a part of. Someday I would like to write a book about the dogs that have crossed my threshold.

 Beth from TX