


I am reading Rescuing Sprite now and it bringing back memories of my sweet Pebbles. Pebbles was a Boston Terrier that I had while I was gowing up. My parents and I had gone to get Pebbles who was the runt of the litter, and the breeder showed Boston Terriors. She had had one black eye and one white eye and the breeder said she couldn’t show here with the one white eye. So needless to say, she came home with us. She had so much energy and love it was amazing. She greeted me at the back door when I would come home from school. She would also lay with me on the couch whenever I stay home from school sick. We enjoyed 10 wonderful years with her. Near the end she would eat but wasn’t able to keep it down, and we also noticed that her stomach looked swelled. We took her to the vet, and were told that she had a tumor that was blocking her throat, and that it was too big to operate. The vet told us that we could take her home if we wanted, but she wanted us to know that she would more than likely starve to death. As much as I loved her, there was no way on the face of this earth that I was going to let her starve….that wasn’t even an option. So we made the decision to put her to sleep. I remember that I went to see her one last time, and she looked at me (I think she knew what was about to happen) and I patted her head and held it. I rubbed her and told her that I would always love her and there would always be a place in my heart that only she would occupy. And with tears running down my face, I turned to leave the room and when I did she barked and I turned around and again told her I loved her very much, and left the room. When I got out of the room, I began to sob uncontrolable. That night while I was in the shower, I began sobbing again and just sat down in the shower and sobbed. My heart was broken. For the next several months, I was in a daze. I missed her so much and still do to this day. I never got another dog until 2002 which almost 15 years later. I am on my own now, and I had begun thinking that I wanted to get another dogs because I love dogs (and all animals). This time I was interested in dachshunds. So I found a breeder and Cinnamon Sue came into my life in October 2002. I just love her so much. I decided when she was 2 that she need a companion and Precious Pepper came home in March of 2004. They both have the same father, but have different mothers. They get along so well. I can’t image my life without them now.

Mark, I wish you and your family all the best in the coming new year.

Best Wishes,

Hulan from NC

One Response

  1. FRED W SMITH Says:

    I finished reading your book Rescuing Sprite today and I am sorry for your loss. We have 3 dogs and they are an important members of our family. We have a Bichon named Pierre, a sheltie/shepherd named Katie and a yellow lab named Jackie. Some of the traits your dogs have mirror my three.
    I have been in the same position as you with Sprite. Acouple years ago we had to have our Australan shepherd Cuddles put to sleep She was ovetr 15 years old and we got her from humane society when she was a puppy. She had seizures every once in awhile. Her last seizure resulted in a stroke and kidney failure and we had to have her put to sleep. She went peacefully in my arms.
    About 4 years before we had another dog named Opey a poddle terrier who we also had to be put to sleep. He too was about 15 years old. He got where he couldnot walk.He too went peaceably in my arms.It was hard decision to make but we didnt want them to suffer and we were thankfull for the love and affection they gave us and we miss them everyday.

    I had 2 dogs when I was growing up. Our first dog Skippy wouldnt stop chasing cars and he broke a rope and got ran over. Then we got a dog named Pepper. He was a cocker/doxin mix. He rode with me in my basket for 3 and half years on my paper route that I got when I was 12 years old. When I was 21 I went in Army for 2 and half years and when I got out he was still living. 2 years later I got married and my landlord wouldnt let us keep him so my sister kept him. She had to have him put to sleep and he was over 15 years old,

    All of these dogs have brought joy to our family
    People that dont have pets are missing a great thing of life.
    Thank you for writing that book. Take care of Pepsi and Griffin as well as you all gave Sprite
    a good life in his last 2 years.
    Thank you for your radio program too. May God bless you, Rush, Shawn and other great Amnericans

    Fred W Smith
    Bradenton Fla.