
Mo Mo

I heard your heartwarming story about your dog on the Sean Hannity show and it brought back memories of having to put down my beloved Mo Mo back in April. She was a 9 mo. old chiwuawua I had gotten from a friend and I knew from the beginning she was going to be a unique little dog. She was a very smart, loving, loyal little dog and was always a bright spot in my day. She lived until she was 17 yrs old at which time she had become atrophied as old age does to humans and animals alike. She also became blind and deaf; constantly bumping into walls and furniture. I was not wanting to make the decision to put her down, thinking God may take her. But he didn’t; and I decided I was being selfish by keeping her alive because I didn’t want to let her go. But her quality of life was no more. I took her to my vet that morning, went to work thinking I would pick her up after I got off. That didn’t work. I went back to the vet, picked up her little body and took her home to be buried. I was miserable all day and many days after that. Coming home and she wasn’t there to bark at me. My only comfort is knowing I will see her again someday just like I will my parents and she will be a beautiful little dog just like I remember her. She will forever have a place in my heart. Thank you for letting me share my story with you and others. I will be looking forward to reading your book.

Mildred from TX