

Dear Mark
I really enjoy your show, and have really enjoyed you talking about your dogs. I’ve never had dogs until about a year ago when my wife and I took in a little Pom that needed a home and is 11 years old with a few health problems. Her name is Misha and she is just the best dog. I’m a former marine and always considered myself pretty tough but Misha is like a little grandchild almost she just has captured our hearts and we love her so much. We were fortunate to be able to adopt another Pom that was the same age but was really mistreated and almost blind and deaf his name was Pace but we usually called him Forrest because he wasn’t very bright but he was so nice. We loved him so much. Anyway my wife called me early one morning, I’m a truck driver and on the road alot but she called me crying and said Pace had to go to emergency He was gasping for air The vet did all the tests and Pace was dying his heart was be crushed from a massive growth and so we had to have him put down. Mark I know how you feel I feel the same It hurts now to talk of it he was such a nice dog and we loved him I never cry but I did for Pace. And I still tear up when I think of him. I really think God gave us these wonderful animals to teach us about unconditional love. They never whine and complain they just love us. Thanks Mark God bless you my friend


Jim from MT