
Jazz & Husker


I listen to you every day and I really appreciate the last few days of compassion for our “kids”. We lost our beloved Husker a year ago in Sept very suddenly. We came home and found him “sleeping” in the living room. He was a red/white 100 lb Siberian. His beauty and joy are missed every day. We had him for 12 years. This last March we lost our 14 yr old white shepard Jazz. She was blind, deaf and in pain when I knew she had been to good of friend for to long to let her be miserable. I was with her as she took her last breath and I know she is not in pain anymore. My husband & I have 2 grown kids and 3 “girls” still at home. Lil is a black and white Siberian, Minnie Mutt is a mix we rescued after she was thown out of a car, and Mal, a 104 lb cancer surviving Malamute. All 3 are house horses and sleep with us, eat with us and provide us so much joy I feel my heart could burst! Mall is 4 now, but at a year and a half she had a lump grow on her side. We took her to the MO Vet university (many, many long trips) where they removed a 6 1/2 lb tumor that had grown into her rib cage. Those Drs. are an absolute blessing and the research they do is a miracle. We thought we would loose her, but after some chemo, today she is big, funny, happy and healthy. The family is smaller since we lost Jazz & Husker, but the girls keep us going and are always the best part of the day. Thank you for giving us the chance to share our losses and the loved ones still with us.

Lisa from Missouri