
Home Free

During my tour in Vietnam, our squadron had a mascot named “Lady”. She was mixed breed, she had a uniform complete with insignia, and she even flew on several combat sorties. I miss her to this day.

My wife and I raised three dogs from infancy through death during our nearly 40 years of marriage, and two of them died in my arms at the end of their long lives. It was
almost as painful as losing a child. On both occasions, this Vietnam vet wept like a baby while they looked up at me not understanding what was happening, with looks of bewilderment and confusion turning to peace as they found ultimate rest and freedom from pain. Our mixed breed “Puddles” got his name from how he reacted during thunderstorms. At the end, he licked my face one last time as I cradled him in my arms just before he breathed his last. I would like to believe he was trying to wipe away my tears.

One of our most precious memories is of our Golden Cocker Spaniel “Mandy” when she was a puppy. She would race from the den into the entryway hall then up two steps into the living room and then into the kitchen and then “fly” off the top of the two steps back down into the den with her ears slinging straight out just like Dumbo the baby elephant flying and look up at us when she finished as if to say, “Well?”

We continue to pray for you and for your family. A song that has given me great solice at times of grief might be of some benefit to you as well. It is titled “Home Free”, and
the artist is a very popular Christian singer and songwriter named Wayne Watson.

Bruce from KS