

I, too, adopted a pet that was older than originally thought, although it was a cat(hope that’s ok). Her name was Buffy and she was the smallest adult cat I had ever seen! About two years after I adopted her, she began to have problems digesting food and started to lose weight. The vet did all kinds of bloodwork and thought Buffy had hyperthyroidism. I even took her to Cornell Veterinary School for further testing. The wonderful doctors there determined that was not the problem, but that it might be the beginnings of kidney disease. Needless to say, I spent the better part of the next three years trying to keep Buffy healthy. I even went so far as to take her twice a week, then later, three times a week for iv fluids to help flush out the poisins and to extend her life.

The problem only got worse and the quality of Buffy’s life was deteriorating. I knew I had to make that awful decision to let her go. On December 21,2005, I made an appointment to take Buffy to the vet’s office. That whole morning before the appointment I was sick to my stomach and I was so cold that I got into bed under the covers. While in bed, I heard a mournful sound and looked down and there was Buffy wanting to jump up on the bed with me. I picked her up and we snuggled together until it was time to go. My vet was so kind as she let me bring Buffy in while the office was closed. The vet gave Buffy a shot that put her into a deep sleep and I got to hold her for about twenty minutes so I could say good-bye and kiss her fur and cry. The vet gave me the option to stay for the final shot or not. I chose to not stay. My last memory of Buffy is seeing her asleep on a blanket. I was devestated by Buffy’s death, but I gave her a wonderful five years as did she for me.

Martha from NY