

I just finished Sprite book last night and I’m still crying. We put our angel Brownie to sleep on Tuesday and the anguish is almost more than I can deal with. I can’t talk to people without crying; I want to turn the clock back and be with her. She was sightless from birth but she saw and felt with her soul and love. She touched everyone’s life who met her. When does this agony end?

Anne from FL

One Response

  1. kutt Says:

    i am so sorry for your loss. gratitude for times we shared has gotten me thru the same place where you are. knowing that todays agony is well worth the true love and great times shared: knowing i;d do it again: that i;ll be with them again helps you take a deep breath and let go little by little. there;s another little soul that needs you right now – go find them. you;ll be in my thoughts and prayers. kutt