
Bear and Jake

We have had several rescue dogs. The first was a solid black German Shepherd. She grew up to be the most amazing dog ever. We loved her so much but at the age of 10 she had hip dysplasia so bad that she couldn’t walk so it was time to make that horrible decision. We got to pick the time and we wanted to be with her til the end. When she was injected she looked at me with those loving eyes with a look I will take to my grave. I have never had anything hurt so bad in my life. We had her cremated as well as another rescue dog named Jake. I could not bear to leave her to be thrown on a garbage heap or whatever they do with them. Even though some may think it’s morbid but having their ashes seems to keep them close to me. I will spread them at some point but not right now. If anyone is considering getting a pet please check the rescue leagues and you will have more love than you’ve ever had.

Suzy from MS