

Hi Mark.

I’d like to introduce you to my best friend of the four legged type.  Her name is Bauer.  She came to my husband and I seven years ago when we adopted her as a stray from our local shelter.  We never knew we were getting such a beautiful animal.  I truly feel blessed to have her in my life.  Over the years, we have received many offers from visitors and family members to adopt her if something happened and we could no longer keep her.  She is the sweetest and most gentle dog I have ever known.  Now that we have two children (ages 5 and 3), she is their best friend too.  She is so special to my son, he took her to school last year for Show and Tell.  Enjoy my pictures.  She is beautiful.  Keep up the good work.  You are truly a great American.

 Bauer -1  Bauer - 2

Liz from NJ

3 Responses

  1. kuldip Says:

    oh my goodness. i recognize this puppy as not your bauer, but my ‘hanzalah’. about 7 years ago she wandered off never to return. we live in the UGL area of WM, NJ. the only thing that i can remember about her was hew sweet naturedness and her submissiveness. she loved to have her belly rubbed. she had like a black pimple on one of her eyelids…if this is her, i would love to see her again.

  2. Laura from L.A. Says:

    GREAT STORY!! Your son will never forget this special day in his life!! You know his was the BEST show & tell and his friends went home and told their parents all about it!! GOOD JOB!!

  3. Shannon Says:

    She really is a great dog!!!!! Love the pics!!!!!