
125 Lbs.Ruby

Dear Mark,

     The Animal page is great. Every time I read the Abby story I cry. I can’t read it without crying. It’s not a sad cry. It’s makes me feel my humility. Everything is so special and venerable. Seeing the Picture on (Mark’s Dog Corner) of the bigger dog named Millennium with the medical rap on him makes you think of this.

     I really Love my dog more than most people. People think I’m just saying that or kidding, but it’s true. Ruby was the runt of the litter. That’s why I bought her (the runt is 125 Lb.) I wonder how big the other dogs got. She cost a $250.00. That was the cheap part.

     Right after we got her she had to have a hernia fixed. She’s had 3 eye operation. Two on the left eye and one on the right eye. It was from 2 Entropion eye. This is when eyelids are growing and roll into the eye. If not fixed it will cause Blindness.

     She has also torn tendons in her right back leg. The first Vet I called wanted to cut the bones on both the upper and lower bones in the leg for $2500.00. I was going to have her put to sleep, because I didn’t have that much money. So I got on the phone and call 200 Vets. Then I called Dr.Diesel who is now my new Vet. He drilled a hole in both bones and put 90 pound fishing wire (string) and it cost $175.00 I was so happy that I started crying.

     This Man is a very Great person. Anyone in the St.Louis area would be wise to take your pet to him. Dr. Dale Diesel DVM. He saved my dog. She will get arthritis, but I still have my Ruby. She will be 5 3/16. She likes most people, but not Hillary. When Hillary is on the T.V. she stops and barks at her. She likes to watch it, but only barks at Hillary. We have her trained to bark if you say Hillary now, but we did that by giving her treats. Either way she doesn’t like her.

     She use to chase Birds, but now she just looks at them. We have 4 Parrots after we got Ruby. She would bite at them when they flew by, but I taught her that I like the Birds and not to hurt my little Friends. She learns really fast. Now the Birds can laid on her. She doesn’t like it and looks at me for help to get the Feathered Friend’s off ASAP.

Tatum from St.Louis

The first picture is my Puppy (125 Lbs.Ruby) looking at me and very Happy.

The second picture is my Puppy singing to America the Beautiful.

The last picture is my Puppy when I showed her a picture of HIllary

5 Responses

  1. Ron Ferrante Says:

    Tatum, Thanks much for sharing the story about your Rotweiller, Ruby AND the good tip about Dr. Diesel. I also live in St. Louis and will remember him if and when my wife ever get another pet. We lost our beloved cat, Zippy, on 10/25/05 and it was a most grievous loss for us. We really loved that animal! I may post something about him later on Mark’s site. Thanks again and God bless. And thank YOU, Mark!

  2. Dave Says:

    That’s some great pics, Tatum. And might I add the dog shows a keen sense in identifying pure evil too ;o)

  3. marjorie foreman Says:

    Your pictures of Ruby are wonderful-I would have liked to meet her.

  4. Helen Tatum Says:

    Hey jazzy Jeff, these are great pics of Ruby Baby. How are the birds? Love you

  5. Donna Tatum Says:

    Hello Jeff! I love Ruby and really enjoyed playing with her when we visited. She is an absolute joy and a wonderful part of your family.
    We love you and sandy Lotts!!!!!
    Donna Tatum