I want you to meet Hungry Howie the day he was found in the woods near Wewahitchka, FL about five months ago by Jim and Debbie Thomas from Maryland, who were on vacation. I met Jim through photography at JPG Magazine where we both have galleries.
Scroll down through the entries on my blog to Hungry Howie\’s other entry and see how wonderful he looks now.
The humane society where he was taken knew he had that certain spark of courage, and did not euthanize him. He is now shiny and healthy, needs a little more weight, and will be receiving heartworm treatment. Then he will be offered for adoption.
Jim, Debbie and I all offer our services in different ways to local animal controls and humane societies. I\’m in Florida.
This is Adopt an Older Dog month. Please consider this option. Rescue dogs are special. They understand what you have done for them.
Even though their time with you may be short, they will leave an indelible
mark on your heart. And just think how happy you have made them.
May from FL
Dear Mark,
I am a contractor in California. I listen to Rush and Sean everyday and I am a big fan yours as well. I love it when Sean has you on his show to get your perspective or hits the “SHUT UP YOU BIG DOPE” button for the extreme morons & seminar callers.
I can still remember Sean interviewing you regarding the release of “Rescuing Sprite” and ordered it afterwards.
My black lab “Lady” will be 14 this New Years Day…she is spoiled rotten and part of the family. It is going to break my heart to part with her on this earth. A few months back she had a hip injury and we thought it was cancer setting in as she was loosing her appetite etc.
There is a fine line of when their “Quality of Life” is gone and us just hanging on for something that is enevitable and not letting go. I am including a picture of her riding in my truck. It is from the day we had to make that dreaded trip to the Vet.
She has taken a turn for the better and we have found soft food that she likes. My two sons say their prayers were answered!! We are just enjoying each day we have with her!
Marty from CA
I ordered Mark\’s book today. It is the first time I have visited Mark\’s website, but have heard him talk about dogs.
We just lost our German Shepherd, Kayla Czar, to old age. She had been with us for 16 i/2 years.
Four years ago we purchased a motorhome, and Kayla had been with us everyday since, never left in a kennel, or at home to be watched. She was our friend and guardian.
Thank you Mark for your book. Hopefully it will help us with the loss of our dear companion.
Tom and Patty from CA
For the first time in over 8 years, when I came home from work tonight, there was no one to greet me. My sweet Lucky dog died this morning. He was full of life, right up to his last morning on earth. He got sick last night and this morning for the first time, had no desire to go for a walk or eat anything. He died while I was petting him, and while I’m heartbroken to lose him, I am grateful to God that he lived a full life right up to the end, and didn’t suffer. He was my son, David’s dog first and became my buddy when David moved out on his own in 2000.
Although he has been sick with lymphoma since February, he never lost his zest for life right up until this last day. Even yesterday, when we went for a walk he was thrilled to be outdoors, pulling hard to go further and faster. That made it all the harder to see him go down so quickly, and yet at the same time, I am so glad that he didn’t suffer and that he died at home, with me petting him. It is so empty in my house now, though. He was the spark of life running all through the house. We always called him “Puppy” because even though he was 11 years old, he still acted like a puppy. Christmas will seem strange this year without him. Everywhere after I set up the Christmas tree, he would gather up all his bones and spread them out under the tree, then lay there wagging his tail and grinning. He loved his Christmas collar, a plaid cloth collar with a gold bow tie and bell. I could go on and on, I have 11 years worth of special memories. He was my good puppy and good pal.
Mary Alice from PA