Mattie Girl
She came to us about 8 years ago. We only had Johnny Ringo then. It was about 3:00 a.m. and he needed to go outside. I let him out of the house and waited for him on the porch. We live in the country but we have a huge fenced front yard so I felt safe waiting for him on the porch. All of a sudden Johnny barked and kind of growled and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. I was scared. I got Johnny back in the house and woke my husband up. He went outside to look around.
When he came back in he said that there was a puppy outside. I went outside and looked over the fence. I saw what looked like a dirt streaked skinny dog. I went back inside the house but I could not get the puppy out of my mind. My husband left for work about 1 and ½ hours later. I stayed awake just thinking. With my husband at work and dawn just around the corner I went back outside. I looked and looked for the puppy. The puppy came to the other side of the fence. What I saw made me want to cry. She was the poorest dog I had ever seen. She was a young dog; maybe four months old, every one of her ribs could be seen. Her stomach seemed concave. I thought that she had dirt all over her but she was a brown and black brindle color. I took a bowl of water outside of the fenced yard. She lapped that up in record time. (more…)