
Listener Stories

A True Comfort

Dear Mark,
Once again you have given comfort to someone who has to put down their dog.
you are the most compassionate human being around.
I wish you all the best.

Lila from NY

Joe and Ben

We ALL are praying for Joe and Ben……Joe, you STAY with Ben right till the end, and you stay as long as you want to…..your vet clinic won’t push you out. God Bless you both !

Eugene from IN

Lady, Duchess

I just read your story about Rescuing Sprite. It was wonderful! I too lost my best friend Lady, a collie, about 5 years ago. Lady was through everything with me. The loss of my child, the loss of my marriage after 25 years, and the loss of my father. Through it all she was there.
When my nephew and I had to take her to the vet and have her put to sleep because she was so sick she couldn’t even lift her head, it was heartwrenching. I have her ashes in a box on my coffee table with her name in a gold plate on top “Lady Ashley” and a little ceramic collie which sits on top. I miss her still today.
I have since remarried a wonderful man and we now have a collie, Duchess, who was a puppy at the time Lady was so sick, and a border collie Jade who is now 2 whom we love dearly. Since I could not have children, these are our children. I don’t know what we’d do without them.

Thanks for your book.

Judy from PA


My hats off to the Levin family. I too have lost several best friends over the years and it is a terrible pain . I also have a non-profit dog rescue in Ky. so I love to hear and read about any dog being saved. When my dogs are adopted into their new famlies, I can’t wait to get photos of them, on the couch, bed etc… that’s my reward.. I know I have several angels waiting for me at rainbow bridge…
Thanks again, for such a wonderful story. Here is one of my rescue dogs. Lola is her name.
Lisa from KY

Corky, Roscoe

Once upon a time…… ;O)
A little half grown Black Pug wandered into our yard after a huge thunderstorm. We just decided he had been terrified from the noise & took off. He was skinny, but still in very good health & seemed to think he belonged on my furniture & in our hearts…..which of course we found out was true. Corky was what we named him after deciding no one was looking for him (of course we didn’t really look that hard) & started with our local vet for his shots etc.

In his early days, he was quite a cad as he would disappear for an afternoon every once in a while, so we decided that a little ‘nip’ at the vets was what he needed. He then became quite a home body & we enjoyed his company & did a lot of traveling with him for 16 years….he was a joy all that time & died in my arms in our travel trailer when his little earth skin wore out. We were heartbroken without him & I swore we would never get another dog.

Well, a year later while on a shopping trip to the mall in Mesa AZ with my daughter for after Christmas sales, I was drawn to a little pet store at the end of one of the hallways – it was almost like I was being physically pulled. Well, there I found a 10 week old Black baby Pug which of course I immediately bought!! He was absolutely irresistable. While paying for him at the counter, a phone call came through to the pet store & it was someone inquiring about the little Black Pug – they wanted to buy him – how close was that!! We now have Toby’s son, Roscoe as we mated him with two female Pugs – one black & one fawn. These two Black boys are the joy of our lives – after our grandchildren of course! Pugs are just irresistable little things – if you don’t believe me, try one!! ;O) Thank you Mr. Levin for your wonderful story & for all you do for our great nation!!

Janis from AZ


It is an honor to observe the special connection between people and their dogs in happiness and grief.  What follows happened on a Tuesday morning.

The vet clinic phone rang at 10:00 a.m. as Doc was finishing a surgery.  The client said “I’m out of town and my daughter just called, it’s Hopper and he is having a major seizure.  She is going to bring him right over….he’s 10 years old and I understand it might be ‘his time’.  My son is driving down from the city to meet her at the clinic”.  When I hung up the phone I told Doc “this might be a tough one”.

15 minutes later, a tearful 19 year old Anna arrived with a neighbor.  Doc went out to the car to help them carry Hopper into the clinic and start the exam.   I joined them a few minutes later and Doc had given Hopper a sedative to try and quiet his seizure. Hopper was a 10 year old Australian Shepard who had raised Anna and her older brother, who had just arrived at the clinic.

As the seizure continued, I held his head steady and kept his front legs from thrashing while Anna rubbed his stomach and held his back legs.  Doc explained what was happening.  I continued to hold Hoppers shaking head and talk quietly to him while his eyes ricocheted and his legs quivered.  The sedative was not having an effect.  Anna leaned forward and whispered “Hopper, Hopper” and with that Hopper turned his head, leaned into her and licked her tear covered face. (more…)