
Listener Stories


This is Max. Max is my buudy that I got as a rescue 9 years ago. Max was born on June 19, 1998 and is AKC registered. This is a great thing that you’re doing here on your web site Mark. I had the honor of meeting you when you were in Huntington on your Rescuing Sprite book tour. I loved the book and bought a few for gifts which were well received. Thanks again.
John from NY

Sam, Gracie

I had Sam for almost 6 years. He died this fall after a brief illness. While I agonized over the possibility of having to put Sam to sleep, he was the ultimate friend, happily bid me farewell in the morning as I left to run errands, and when I returned he home he had left this life having given me so much and really asked for nothing but love.

I adopted Sam 6 years ago at age 5. I will miss him. He was always happy, always eager to take a walk or to go out and play in the yard. I still have Gracie, and it will be a while before I can even consider adding another friend to my life. Sam was a beautiful friend and I miss him very much. Here is a picture of both Sam and Gracie. Sam is the front, Gracie resting her head on him.

Becky from NY


Dear Mr. Levin,
Today we put our lab to sleep, her name was Juliet and she was the heart and soul of our family. I am so sad but I know we made the right decision. I could not be selfish and watch her suffer. Your book helped me to do just that. Thank you.
Tara from NY


My Mona is a 14 year old dalmation and can barely walk.  She is otherwise healthy, alert, and full of love.  I am afraid we have reached that dreaded time of making the decision to put her down. I wish I could feel better about this.

Larry from MI


RIP Oreo, I will never forget you

Brent from TX


Here is one of my best friends. LODI (Luck O D Irish)
He was born on St.Patricks Day 1994. He will be 15 in March. He is a great pal. He loves having his ears rubbed, and has a huge appetite. He does not like flashlights, or broccoli. We love our Lodibear.

Frank from TX