
Listener Stories

Marigold, Sunshine

My wife and I adopted a dog from a local animal shelter back on September 1, 2006. The dog we chose was one of approximately six dogs that came from Mississippi to New Jersey for adoption. We chose a 8 1/2 month old hound mix named Marigold. Since it seemed like she didn’t know her name, we decided on the name Sunshine. She has been an absolute blessing to our lives, and has lived up to her name in every way. Sunshine has inspired me time and time again to donate and support animal shelters and animal rights groups such as the ASPCA and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. I can’t think of anything more important than helping animals and those that support them.

Jason from NJ

Anticipatory Grief

Aye Mark,
got your book, not looking foward to reading it, you know its that anticipatory grief . but I know I have to read it for my own well being.
My doggie is an old man now and no longer can get up by himself ( he hit the Lotto when I picked him up 11 years ago in the neighborhood pet store).
its been me and him , he knows I’m there to help him out and he’s there for me by believing in me.
Mark, I think you are a great thinker and I love your radio show, All the best Mark.
Carlos from NY

Half Pug, Half Lab

I have a mutt of a dog, half pug and half lab. She is 9 years old and really fiesty but she is the child of the house. Whenever my dad and I go smoke a cigar, she just has to come out there with us to “guard” us. She is apart of us and we love and adore her. We got her from my step moms sister and would have more than likely died if we left her with the step aunt.

We have had 4 cats over the years, the last 2 died towards the end of last year and we are now over the loss.

We hope that everyone has the opportunity to have animals because they contribute to you as much as you to them.

Jonathan from TX

Lady Di, Snowflake

Lady Di my beautiful Bichon, and her ‘brother’ Snowflake, my handsome little boy, a devoted Maltese, filled my heart with such joy and happiness for more than 15 years, from 1992 —-Dec. 2007 and are with me in spirit, every passing day. The pain of losing them diminishes but the void remains constant. I am hoping to get another Maltese baby.
Dale from CA


This is Vinnie, our first Rottweiller. It was pure chance that my husband and I even saw him; he was one of the dogs sponsored by a local adoption group (not Humane Society) at a local pet store. My husband rarely goes with me to this store. But on this one occasion, there was Vinnie; my husband Mike and he locked eyes and Mike was instantly in love. We debated about adopting him that evening – I had 2 cats and was worried about the effect on them. We decided the heck with the cats and went back the next day to adopt him. Unfortunately, we were too late. We went back home devastated.
Then a miracle happened! Two months later the adoption people called; are you still interested in Vinnie? Things didn’t work out with the person who beat us to adopting him. The answer was of course yes.
We only had a little over 3 years with our Vinnie. The vet told us that he was at least 3-4 years older than the adoption group thought he was. Three years later, in August 2006, Vinnie collapsed and was diagnosed with a huge stomach tumor, most likely cancerous. He went downhill quickly and he died in our arms after the vet put him to sleep.
My husband went through the same hell as Mark; did we do everything we should have, should we have put him through surgery and chemo? I have had no such doubts; he was easily 11 or 12 years old which is about a Rottie’s age span. I am convinced that surgery and chemo would have only made his life miserable and wouldn’t have given him any quality time on this earth.
Thank you for giving me a place where I can vent all of this. We now have another rescue Rottie by the name of Ace, who despite his behavoir issues, has completely taken over my heart.
Gwen from CA

Dogs Love Us Back

I recieved this email from the young kennel club on valentines day then i read rescuing sprite and i thought that all those people out there including me who have lost there best friend aka their dog, need to remember thatthey still love us dearly and that they love us twice as much back and although i am only 12 years old i feel for you and i hope that this will truly make a happy valentines day.
Becky from England