

My 13 year old cocker spaniel, Chewie, is the sweetest dog that I think that has ever walked on this Earth.  He is kind and patient.  He has been with us since our 2001.  But, Chewie is failing.  He is struggling to maintain his bladder and his bowels.  He is going blind.  I can see the cataracts in his eyes and one of them is becoming milky white.  He is littered with skin tumors and has just recently lost the use of his left hind leg.  I am finding it it difficult, financially, to make him comfortable and healthy.  But with all of his ailments, he still continues to think that he is a puppy.  He has a voracious appetite and constantly wants to play, even with only three legs.  He has his little brother, our collie/Shepard mix, 7 year old, Buddie, that keeps him company, and who watches over him.  But I’m fearful that Chewie’s time may be running out.  He loves to sleep with our 8 year old daughter and used to be able to jump on her bed, but, now he can’t, and she doesn’t understand why.  He tries so hard, he can’t make it.  So, she sleeps on the floor with him and says, “please lay with me, Chewie, I love you.”  I don’t know what to do.  I can’t say goodbye, but I can’t let him go.

— Ralph from Rio Rancho, NM