Sadie was the sweetest Britney Spaniel you could ever ask for. She was our family dog and not being a hunter, she was never trained to work like so many Britneys. I am a Placer Gold miner and Sadie joined me at our mine in Alaska and later in the Yukon. She loved to run and had freedom to cover much of the claims as her nose was her guide to exploring.
One day as my brother was stripping the moss off the tundra, Sadie was on a mission to smell the treats of hundreds of years of smells that were unleashed as the tundra was rolled over stacked to the side of our cut. During this day our sweet Sadie got herself in trouble as she was unaware of what was causing this new and exciting game for her. Thant night she did not show up for dinner. I searched for her but did not find her. The next day I had to go to Whitehorse to pick up my wife and daughter at the airport. I was sure Sadie would find her way back as she always did. On my return from Whitehorse my family was distraught as Sadie had not returned. My daughter, then 9 suggested we get on the ATV and drive up the creek and look for Sadie. I of course agreed to take her not having much faith we would find our girl.
We rode up the creek as my daughter called her name again and again, Sadie……Sadie…….Not seeing her we decided to ride back to our camp to be with the others. After an hour we were sitting talking outside and here Sadie comes dragging her hind leg. She had been trapped in the tundra somewhere as she was covered with mud. My daughters calls had reached her and Sadie had found a will to live and somehow freed herself and dragged herself back to safety.
Sadie’s hip was dislocated and needed to get to a vet soon. We took her to Whitehorse to our vet and they put her hip back in place. Unfortunately, it had been out for too long and it would not stay in place. Our only option was to fly her to Edmonton to have surgery. Sadie was flown to Edmonton and spent a few days there and then back to the mine to recover.
What was so amazing to us was her will to live. We had almost given up hope of ever seeing her again. She was with us for another few years and continued to be such a joy for us.
— Brian from Fallon, NV