My hubby told me he had an all black cat when he was growing up and one day the cat never returned home.
About 2 weeks after we got married in 1993 I had to stop at the Trumbull Mall for something. While at the mall I visited the pet store that used to be on the lower level. As soon as I walked in the pet store I saw that there was this adorable little black furball with beautiful big green eyes, matching black paw pads, black velvet nose and black whiskers. He was completely black except for two little white spots one on his chest and one on his belly. Needless to say I had just found my hubby the perfect wedding gift!
About an hour later, I walked into our house telling hubby that I just got him the most beautiful gift in the world that I knew he would love. I was right! The kitty and hubby were like magnet and steel!
After pondering a few names we named him Flint.
Flint was with us for 18 years. He was the most incredible cat there ever was. He was my hubby’s best fur buddy. He was such a good cat. He slept under the covers and with his head on hubby’s pillow every night. Every day when my hubby came home from work he was waiting like a dog at the door to greet him. Every night after dinner was “guys bonding time” in that whatever hubby was doing Flinty was right at his side or sleeping in his lap purring real loud. When it was time to get ready for bed Flinty would hang out in the bathroom while hubby shaved and would sleep on hubby’s pjs while he showered. When they were both ready for bed he would run after my hubby and actually leap on to our bed before we got a chance to pull the covers down. What was really funny is if hubby decided to stay up later than usual Flinty would start incessantly meowing at him and then yawn real big yawns in hubby’s face to give him the message that it was time to go to bed.
Flinty like to help me make our bed…when attempting to place a sheet on the bed he would get under it, lay on his back and playfully bat at my hand as I moved the sheet around.
Flint brought so much joy and happiness into our lives. His love was unconditional. He was so smart and I actually think he understood when we spoke to him as he would look at you and even respond with a cute little noise or meow. Even though he weighed 13 pounds before he got sick I used to lovingly call him Furry Munchkin and My Little Baby Kitten of which hubby would tease me and say he’s not a little baby kitten…he’s a big tough guy!
Flint we miss you terribly but know that you are now with God on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. We will forever cherish your friendship and unconditional love and will always remember you. You were truly a gift of God and we were blessed to have you in our lives. We love you and always will.
— Joe & Carol from Shelton, CT