
Hannah, Jaz and Sam

Dear Mark: Your book arrived this afternoon and I just finished it. This was the most beautiful story I have read in my 72 years on this earth. I could not put it down….skipped dinner….didn’t answer the phone…could not be interrupted. You have fast forwarded adopting pets from shelters and rescue groups years. Thank you and your lovely family for sharing your deep love and affection for pets. Having worked in rescue for many years, you would like to know all homes would provide what Sprite received from your family. I have witnessed the most adoring looks of devotion between animal and new owner many times. Everyone should try it at least once. My Hannah 10, Jaz 7 and Sam 12 brings hours of joy to my husband and myself, the nextdoor neighbors, the neighborhood, the delivery guys, the mailman, our children, grandchildren, vets, groomers, and all the bike riders. They give them a fit! Having them ride in the cars bring smiles from other drivers. Only a dog could instantly bring happiness so suddenly. Enjoy your new love, Griffen. You have a very wise wife. Can hardly wait to hear that you book is No. 1!

Thank you for writing Rescuing Sprite.

Ann from NC