I was right there with you when Sprite had to be put down as I too lived through all the gut-wrenching pain when I had to put down our beloved dog, Pepper, of 17 years.
That sad time was back in 1988, but there still is not a day that goes by when I do not still ache in my heart for her joy and companionship. Her ashes are in a container on the fireplace.
Of course, I still regret for having kept her alive longer than she deserved, and in retrospect it was a selfish gesture; but I could not part with this dear friend who was more like a child having raised her since she was 8 weeks old.
I have never been able to take in another dog, but I do volunteer as a dog walker at our local animal shelter.
I’m not a cat person, but I have taken in numerous stray cats in our neighborhood to give them a loving home where they can feel safe and live out their lives. At one time we had 7 in total.
Thank you for your book, Mark.