Phoebe, Wally, Lindy
When my cat of 16 yrs passed away of kidney failure (during the time of the tainted petfood) I swore I would never get another pet. Well 6 months later I decided I wanted a dog. I drove an 18 wheeler with my husband so I knew it would have to be a small dog. We lived in San Diego then so my daughter and I went to the San Diego Humane Society. It is a really nice place. All the pets are in rooms that are made to look like livingrooms.
Unfortunatly all the little dogs had 2 or 3 holds on them. I was told to go over to Animal Control which is in the same building. That place is AWEFUL!! All the dogs are in small cages with concrete floors. There were alot of Pitbulls. One of them had the biggest head I had ever seen on a dog. He was a sweetheart. I cried because I knew he would never find a home and would be put done. In the last row we went done there was a little dog. I asked about her and s told she was just brought in. I said I wanted her.
About an hour later I was taking her home. My husband wasn’t exactly thrilled. She is now HIS girl. About a year later we moved to a small town in TX. I decided to stop driving and got a job at a local store. We had been thinking of getting a friend for Phoebe but never acted on it. One morning I went to Walmart. As I was walking to the doors I looked over and saw a little puppy just sitting in the parking lot. I went over to him and I could see his ribs and backbone. I didn’t hesitate to bring him home. Much to my surprise the vet said he was just fine except for being malnurished. I named him Wally and he is now a beast who loves tearing up everything. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. We moved into a house with a big fenced yard for the dogs. A few days after we moved we were out watering the yard when along came a dog. She too was thin and filthy. We took her in. It took 3 baths to get her clean. I named her Lindy. She is a total sweetheart. All three of them get along great. My husband said NO MORE DOGS!!
This town has a huge problem with abandoned animals. The shelter in the next town will only take in animals from the town they are in. I guess people here don’t believe in spay and nueter.
I love my babies with all my heart, and thank the Lord for bringing them into my life. I post a picture but they are too big and I don’t know how to make them smaller.
I loved your book and I dread the time I have to go through what you did. Thank you for sharing your story.
I love my babies with all my heart, and thank the Lord for bringing them into my life. I post a picture but they are too big and I don’t know how to make them smaller.
I loved your book and I dread the time I have to go through what you did. Thank you for sharing your story.
Patricia from TX