There is my Baxter the Boxer.. a rescue I got 2 years ago at the appox age of 6 weeks. He has a broken leg and we believe that it was the breeder who took him to the Vet. When the vet found his leg broken they wanted him put to sleep and she refused. When she refused the owner requested him back so he could do it himself… she REFUSED.
The vet tech there at the time said he would take him home and nurse him back to the point he could be adopted.. which is where I came in:) I was there for an appointment one Sunday afternoon and fell in love with the pup on first site. By 8 am the next morning I called and said I wanted him, spent the day acquiring the necessary puppy stuff and picked him up at 4pm.
He has been a blessing to me as I lost my 14 year old dalmatian which I affectionately referred to as my best girlfriend one week before Christmas last year. She also being a rescue I would highly recommend you never bring a dog or cat in to your home unless you go to the local shelters and adoption agencies.
2 months ago I joined Boxer Luv Rescue and now am a proud foster Mom. Last week we successfully raised $2500 for eye surgery for one of our new wiggly butt babies who has parasites in his eyes and needed extensive eye surgery. If you ever think the world is a cruel place just hook up with dog lovers and volunteer to help the much needed babies. You will change your mind about the world we live in..
Gloria from AZ