Mark I just read your book about sprite, my neighbor gave it to me because I’m going through the same thing you and your family went through with sprite. In 2001 my dog einstein collapse my husband was walking with him and he just fell down and couldn’t walk, we took him to the vet and they said he had chip his disc then we took him to a neurologist and he felt he had a stroke,I ask the vet should I put him down he said no tht the dog had a lot of life left but I couldn’t afford to have him opperated on so the vet told me to take him home and massage his legs and bend them. Well Mark for six months I stood home with my dog and did tht I taught him how to walk again and never once did he mess in my house he would let me know and I would take him outside hold him up with a towel and he would do his stuff. Now he turn 11 this year and his habits are changing I notice it very hard for him to get up off the floor he seem to not be in pain and everytime I think its time he comes in the room and looks at me with the big brown eyes an I get the feeling he saying not yet My husband is 75 and I a 63 I always had a dog my whole life but my husband said no more aft einstein In the last 6 years I have almost die and now I fighting breast cancer and my dog has always been ther for me I’ll tell you the truth Mark I love dog more then some people and I trust them with my life as they would do anything to save yours I just want you to know I listen to your show and I think you are a very compassionate person thank you for letting me email you my story
Ann from NV