

Mark, i heard your story on Sean’s show about 3 weeks after losing our little toy poodle “cosette”. She was with us for 91/2 years and from the start she was always the picky eater, had to hand feed her for most of those 91/2 years. Two years ago she suddenly lost her site due to cateracts and the diagnosis of diabetes. After many hospital stays and glucose readings at the vet she was finally regulated and doing good for almost two years when she must have contracted some type of viral infection since her little sister spent 4 days in the vet with the same problems Sophie recovered but Cosette was to weak and passed at the exact time i would get her up in the morning for her first meal and insulin shot. i never had a pet growing up but this is one of the hardest things i have had to deal with, to me she is still the little puppy we briught home almost 10 years ago and i miss her so much. thank you for giving me the opportunity to vent my feelings about my little baby.

Herb from PA