My dog, Rudy saved my life! Six years ago I was severely injured, fully handicapped afterward and left in a terrible state of constant pain. Eventually, I began to consider ending my life. My wife was starting to see through it and became very worried about me. Then, she brought home a little Doxie puppy suddenly and told me I had to help take care of him while she was working.or we would have to give him up. I have always loved hound dogs and my wife knew I had a special place in my heart for my childhood hunting dog, Boots. A standard Doxie that shadowed meĀ everywhere and was my best friend in the world untill he died at age six.. Even at school! he would show up and sit under my desk not making a sound for hours. The teacher never knew he was there most of the time. I was crushed when he died I just knew I would never find another dog like Boots. Well, I was wrong…Rudy rules!
— Robert from Bloomington, IL