

Where does someone begin to open up the amount of hurt, loss & pain one feels when having to go through things like this. My “Big Boy” Rudolph Valentino Cinderspots, known to us as “Rudy” is leaving us today.

Rudy is a 13yo purebred Dalmation. We were lucky enough to get Rudy at the age of 6 months. The breeder was having problems finding a home for, and frankly everyone else’s loss was our gain. Dal’s as a breed get a bad rap, as mean, hyper sometime bitey dogs. Not our Mr. Rudy.

He was the sweetest dog I have owned in my 51 years on this planet. The love he shared EVERYDAY, unconditionally, will never be forgotten, and will be tough to replace. He loved everyone, and everything, especially his (our) kids. He was a protector to the end, and would always place himself between Family and strangers when the situation arose. He would do this out of pure instinct. But he never had a bad word for anyone.

For a dog of his size and breed, people tell me I am lucky to have gotten 13 years with Rudy. But frankly, I am greedy, and wanted more. While I am distraught over what I have to do today. His time has come, and I will not see him suffer any additional days in his current state.

Rudy developed bladder stones about 5 weeks ago, and even though I felt in the back of my mind that he was too old to endure surgery, we do what we do in these situations. He came through the procedure, but was really never the same again. His hips started going about a week ago, and his appetite is now gone as well…..It is heartbreaking to have to see him like this, and I know in my heart that I am doing the right thing.

My 19 yo Son is holding him right now, really his dog when you come down to it….He is much stronger than me at this time, perhaps it is because of the amount of time I spent at home with Rudy having a home office…..

My heart goes out to any and all who have lost a loved pet. I know you feel, and understand our pain & loss.

Thank you Mark for allowing us to share our losses, and grieve publically. Perhaps it will help others going through the same pain.

— Win from Woodinville, WA
