

Hi Mark: I love your radio
show and your appearances
with Hannity. I used to work
with dog rescue but had to
give it up because I got too attached to all the dogs I
fostered. I just lost my 17 yr
old Austrailian Shepherd, Robin because of a stroke; but she did live well beyond her life expectancy. I still have (3)
dogs – Two austrailian
shepherds, one of which
has a disease called
“lymphansagia” where the
body doesn’t absorb nutrients so he has to have
special food along with shots and RX daily. He was diagnosed at 2 yrs old
and is now 8 yrs due to the
wonderful vet we have. Also have a little femail
border collie rescued from
a hole in the ground she lived in for 6 months. I love these animals. I am
now 70 years of age and just hope and pray that I
outlive them so that can’t
be abused by anyone.
Keep up the good work.
Bonnie from NV