My dogs name is Barney. Three years ago Barney was adopted by a family from a kill shelter when he was 2 years old. He is a Comfort Retriever. Half Retriever and half Cocker Spaniel. The family that adopted him allready had another dog at home that they couldn\’t be around because of one of the owners asthma, so after only 2 weeks of having him, they were going to send him back to the kill shelter. Barney, being smart as he is, kept digging a whole under their fence and running away to my sisters house down the street. Due to the fact that my sister allready had 2 100lb. retievers of her own, one being a very dominant male; she could not keep him. My daughter called me from their house and said that I had to come over and see this dog that kept running away to their house. Reluctantley, I went over their. We allready had a 14 year old, very angry, aggressive cat and a 9 year old Chiweinee (half daschund and half chihuaha). I told my daughter their was no way that we were taking on another pet. When I got to my sisters house and went in Barney came running up to me and gave me big kisses and wouldn\’t leave my side. I finally agreed to take him home and try him with our other animals. The second he came in our house the first thing he did was run and jump up on the couch like it was just natural to him. Now every night he sleeps in bed with me and my husband and has to give me a kiss every night before he lays down to go to sleep. He\’s now a 5 year old baby. I spoil him rotten and don\’t apologize for it. I don\’t know that he was ever allowed inside a house because every time it thunders, he wants outside to run and chase the lightning and thunder like that is what he\’s use to. Always being stuck outside. Also, I think someone must have abused him with a water hose at some point becuase he\’s terrified of the water hose and water in general. Which we\’ve never heard of with Retrievers. Some day when he\’s no longer with us, I will know that for whatever life he had before he came to live with us, he had the best life at our house. He has plenty of squirrels to chase in the backyard and lota of treats and kisses everyday. He is Mama\’s Little Man. We had to put our cat down 3 years ago due to Cancer, but our other dog, Cookie gets along great with him. One big happy family. This is our Barney. He always has a big smile on his face. Enjoy!
Laura from TX