Two German Shepherds
Several years ago we had two German Shepherds that we loved so very much. Our little girl had back surgery and never walked again. She then developed cancer. We had to let her go and we buried her in the pet cemetery. Later our male was placed by her. When she died, a so called friend, told me that God took her because I was so distracted by her illness. How could we do anything but give her the love and tender care she needed, How right you are that we humans are the lucky ones to have the love and total devotion from our little “kids in fur coats” I love your book.
My God does not take our precious pets to punish us for anything. After all He gave them to us in the first place. We have another German Shepherd and he is wonderful. Even though we have great grief when one dies, I will always be grateful for them and their love. People should be so pure, honest and without guile.
Jean from TX