A listener called in last night about his shepard mix doggie (who is having hind leg and other problems–13 yrs old). Please tell him to immediately put him on Coasim DS (3 times a day for the first 2 month or so and then in AM and PM afterwards). Don’t buy it at Pet Stores or from your VET–its 3 times as expensive–Get it (human form–same thing) from Cosco ($70 for 230 pills).
My baby–Maxie–was on it for 12 years–and it was the only thing that helped him (when he was 8 years old–the VET added a pain killer for him). Max was a belgium sheepdog (a pound puppy)–who evidently had been overbreed (he was born with hip dysplasia (sp??)–someone tied him to the fence of the pound and I feel in love with him (he was so homily as a puppy–but he was the most beaufiful baby I ever had). I took him to his first (and last) obedience class–and all the other dogs would sit –except Max who would lay down (and then not get up). The doctor had told me to get a dog—due to the death of a loved one (so I would walk more) and I got a dog who wouldn’t (couldn’t walk).
I took him to my VET (he had previously been to the VET that the pound recommended) who diagnosed his problem and recommended specialists –he needed an operation which had to be done by the time he was 12 to 14 months old. $5,000–they break the hip bones and wire them back together); unfortunately the operation was unsuccessful (and the VET was going to amputate one of his legs). Instead I took MAX to the animal hospital in NYC and investigated other alternatives-Kansas City Osto, etc.-and decided to work with him at home–massaging him (my hands are still not right–because he kept biting them –which I know he didn’t mean to –but he was in pain) 4 to 8 times a day. After a year –Max walked better –albeit with a limp–dragging one of his back legs (and going like a girl)–but LOVE, LOVE, and more LOVE worked wonders (and a lot of VET bills–every $ of which was worth it). Unfortunately, MAX developed a tumor in his stomach area which grew and grew and grew. We were afraid to remove it–however, I finally did so ($3,000)–it took him several months to recover –he was having trouble getting up and down–and then he had a heart attack –I got him to the VET within 7 to 10 minutes however, he died on the VET’s operating table on 12/4/06 with me by his side. I still miss him-and probably always will. I still haven’t been able to get another baby–as I know there will never be another MAX–but slowly I’m moving in that direction —knowing that each baby is special and has their own personality (which we have to adjust to). Max was a challenge–but he gave far more happiness than I could ever repay. I thank God for letting me borrow him for 12/13 years.
Caroline from NY