I first want to say I love you and your show! It is so good to hear the voice of reason against the garbage coming from the hill. I wanted to share my story of Buddy, my shelty. He has been my friend and companion since he was a pup, for 14 years. The past year he had to live outside because he was not able to control his bodily functions well enough to stay inside the house as he had for 13 years. During the cold months, he stayed in the garage with a heat lamp over his bed. Buddy began getting weak and was losing many of his faculties, like hearing, eyesight, ect. I then had to make the decision that I had been dreading to make for a long time. I didn’t want him to die alone in the garage some cold night. So I made the appointment with the vet and I kept Buddy in the utility room where it was warm for him during his last few days. A childs gate prevented him access from the rest of the house. Buddy’s last night home was one that I will never forget. In the early morning hours, my wife got up to get ready for work. She walked by the utility room and noticed the gate had been pushed down. Frantically, she began searching for Buddy to find where he was. She came into the bedroom to wake me when she discovered Buddy laying on the floor sleeping, near my bed. He had NEVER done this before. I think he knew that this was his last night and he wanted to be near me, so God gave him a hand and guided him to our bedroom. I was so overwhelmed with emotion that I could not go back to sleep. I just simply told God “Thank You”. Buddy is now at the feet of God, waiting for Him to throw that tennis ball just one more time…
Joe from IL