Mulligan and the Marine
Mulligan was a wonderful Westie that brought joy into my life shortly after a car accident. The doctors told me that I needed 12 or more months to recover and I would be spending a lot of time home alone. My husband and I were newly married and decided that I needed some companionship in the form a little white fuzz ball. Mulligan was at my side during all of my surgeries and recoveries. When I had my bad days he would just lay at the foot of my bed keeping me company.
When my recovery was complete, Mulligan became my little travel companion. I would have him with me wherever my travels would take me.
Mulligan had a second duty in the house. He was the peacemaker between myself and my stepson Phillip. Phil was 10 years old when I married his father. Phil and I had our struggles when he came to live with us shortly before his 13th birthday. For three years Phil and I would have our moments of love and understanding followed by eye rolling moments of what are you thinking. It was during the times of tension that Mulligan would work his magic. Mulligan would bring a toy to have us play with him. It is hard to stay mad when rubbing a doggy belly.
Phillip had a tough time in his late teens and early twenties. He found himself making choices that left him questioning his future. Phil needed to have structure in his life; he entered the Corps and from that point on Phil changed for the better. Phil became the person he wanted to be, a caring self-confident young man. Phil would call home and every call would have questions about Mulligan. When Phil would come home Mulligan was on his lap and boys were happy.
Sadly we had to make the hard choice to have Mulligan put to sleep after a long life. That was not a fun call to Phil; we all lost our friend.
On November 9th, 2007 Sgt. Phillip Allen Bocks, USMC was killed in Afghanistan. Phil was gone and in those first moments of grieve I gained comfort in knowing that Mulligan and Phil where in Heaven together. Once again Phil would be comforted by Mulligan and Mulligan would have his buddy’s lap to sit on.
Monica from CA