Jake, Delilah
This is a picture of our wild child of a german shepard.she is so full of life,a joy to be with.she has got such a personality.loves our kids and the neighbors.she will play ball until she drops,and she good at catching it in mid air.we got her shortly after we had to put our doberman down,he was 11 when he developed prostate cancer.he hung on for another year,the last 3 months was rough.putting him down tore me to pieces.i sat with him until he took his last breath looking in his eyes,my little jakey boy.i don’t think i ever wept as hard as i did that day.
I could’nt bring myself to look for another dog,but my wife was insistent we go look at this litter of german shepard pups.she was the last one left all black with a top coat.she was so shy and cute we could’nt resist.little did we know what a pistol she is.the air of impending death had hung over our house for such a long time she was a breathe of new life our home really needed.she won’t ever replace our jake,he will always hold a special place in our hearts,but she has given our family so much love and companionship.her name is delilah.like samson @delilah.
Daniel from NY