Corky, Roscoe
Once upon a time…… ;O)
A little half grown Black Pug wandered into our yard after a huge thunderstorm. We just decided he had been terrified from the noise & took off. He was skinny, but still in very good health & seemed to think he belonged on my furniture & in our hearts…..which of course we found out was true. Corky was what we named him after deciding no one was looking for him (of course we didn’t really look that hard) & started with our local vet for his shots etc.
In his early days, he was quite a cad as he would disappear for an afternoon every once in a while, so we decided that a little ‘nip’ at the vets was what he needed. He then became quite a home body & we enjoyed his company & did a lot of traveling with him for 16 years….he was a joy all that time & died in my arms in our travel trailer when his little earth skin wore out. We were heartbroken without him & I swore we would never get another dog.
Well, a year later while on a shopping trip to the mall in Mesa AZ with my daughter for after Christmas sales, I was drawn to a little pet store at the end of one of the hallways – it was almost like I was being physically pulled. Well, there I found a 10 week old Black baby Pug which of course I immediately bought!! He was absolutely irresistable. While paying for him at the counter, a phone call came through to the pet store & it was someone inquiring about the little Black Pug – they wanted to buy him – how close was that!! We now have Toby’s son, Roscoe as we mated him with two female Pugs – one black & one fawn. These two Black boys are the joy of our lives – after our grandchildren of course! Pugs are just irresistable little things – if you don’t believe me, try one!! ;O) Thank you Mr. Levin for your wonderful story & for all you do for our great nation!!
Janis from AZ