Spunky and Boomer
We had two dogs. They were Shih Htzu’s. One female and one male. When my husband was sick in ’07 the dogs Spunky and Boomer were therapy for him. When he was in the hospital for his chemotherapy treatment for leukemia, little Spunky would lay on his pillow at night. She would wait for me to come up to bed. When she would see me coming, she would be standing and wagging her tail. She knew that something wasn’t right. Little Boomer, our male, would fight with her for his spot on the bed. I ended sleeping with both of the dogs on the bed every night. When my husband got out of the hospital, they would vie for his love and attention. It was as if they both knew something wasn’t right in the house with my husband in the hospital. Now my daughter had to put them up for adoption because we had to move into a hotel. We are still looking for a place to live. My husband is now in remission from the leukemia. We want to get a dog again. I feel like part of our life was taken away from us when my daughter had to put them up for adoption. We had no choice. Where we are now, the hotel, does not allow any pets.. Both Spunky and Boomer were the finishing touches for our family. When we would walk them in the evening the two of them would try to see who would try to get ahead of the other especially Boomer. They were so cute together. I really miss the unconditional love they would give us. I think we as humans could learn alot from them. When we get into a better situation, a place we can call our own, we are going to get a dog again. Then our life will be completed.
Ruth from NJ