Dear Mr. Levin
I want to share a story with you. We have lived in a rural area for 25 years: an area where irresponsible pet owners to often “dump” unwanted pets. Those disgarded animals have provided unmeasurable blessings in our life . For our daughter Jen, there was never any question, her lifes work was destined to revolve around animals.
While working at a vet clinic during college they received a call from the Gordon Setter rescue looking for a clinic that would donate time and expense for a risky heart surgery on a two month old half Gordon, half Golden pup. They agreed to try to save the pup, that crawled into our daughters lap, tubes and all, as she came out from under the anesthetic. “Kiera”, which in some language means something to do with the heart, and our daughter have been inseperable since that time four years ago. Jen and Kiera moved from Missouri to Orlando Florida a few years back where Jen takes care of those big gray animals at your favorite vacation spot.
Thank you for doing the much needed work that you do so well with your radio show.
God Bless,
Rob from MO