I rescued an american pitbull terrier in 1994 from a horrific situation, only intending to foster him until a good home was found. We immediately bonded. He opened up a whole new world for me. I volunteered with a pitbull rescue group and rallied with our local police to take the fighting of these dogs more seriously. Bronson, was my best friend. Despite the scars, he was kind, gentle, and loyal. I was fortunate to be a part of his world for five years. In April of 1999, he was diagnosed with lymphoma. With weekly chemo treatments, whole food and lots of love, he held on for five months. Sept. 21, 1999 was the day he left me and took with him a piece of me. I promised him that day that I would continue to educate people and rally to place good dogs of this breed in loving homes. A day does not pass that I do not think of him and now know that he had a mission somewhere else and needed to move on. I have since lost his partner and best friend, Lucy, to cancer last Feb. We use to refer to them as the bookends, because they were so similar in color and looks. Lucy was another pitbull rescue we adopted a year after Bronson. After Lucy\’s passing, I felt that all connections to Bronson were now gone. Your book is so touching and makes me realize that we truly have a spiritual connections with our canine family and we are so lucky to have been chosen to be a part of their very short lives. My resuce continues..As, yes, the grief is unbearable with the loss, however, the joy they bring is so great. I adopted another pitubll mix from the state of Georgia. She was a cruelty seizure and near death. She has truly flourished and fits in so well with our other two dogs. I have since placed many pitbulls in good homes through volunteering with local rescue groups.
And so my mission continues….
Stephanie from NY