A Worthy Story
Here is a letter written by a friend on a forum that I felt was worthy of your time and attention.
Fox9 did a story and here is the link with pics of Hawkeye
I wanted to tell you about a special group of people who know each other only through the internet forum for barrel racers called Barrel Horse World. (www.barrelhorseworld.com) When one of our forum’s Texas members found the “dog of her dreams” for sale in MN, she posted on the forum that she needed volunteers to transport the dog to Texas. A “puppy train” was formed, and she bought the dog with a large amount of her hard earned money. As “Hawkeye’s” journey began, she posted pictures of the beautiful Australian Shepherd on the Barrel Horse World forum and thanked everyone in advance for helping move “Hawkeye” from MN to his new home in TX. Here is the thread that she started Thanksgiving Day, which includes pictures of “Hawkeye”: http://www.barrelhorseworld.com/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=21…
It should be noted that many successful “puppy trains” have been carried out through Barrel Horse World, transporting dogs and even horses across the country for our members. All went well, until the Stewarts of Afton, MN took their turn on “Hawkeye’s puppy train”. After they had taken him to their home on Nov. 26th, “Hawkeye” pulled out of his collar and ran away. He was in a strange place, with no familiar faces, and he was “running scared”. Lost in a rural area of Afton, he was not seen again for several days.
After reading his heart wrenching story on the forum, several Barrel Horse World members from MN quickly sprang into action. They volunteered their time and fuel money to travel to the area and search for “Hawkeye”. Day after day, they have searched. Tired and cold, they will not give up looking for this dog, whose owner they have never met. They have made phone calls to the area vets, animal shelters, and news media, as well as passing out flyers. Those of us from Barrel Horse World who live too far away to help physically have been praying for the dog’s safe return and providing moral support. The story of this lost dog has been on the minds and hearts of countless people from coast to coast.
The local TV station FOX9, ran a story on “Hawkeye” last week. Immediately, calls came in of sightings in the Hudson, WI area. A reward was gathered, with voluntary donations from members of Barrel Horse World. People who had never heard of Barrel Horse World came to the forum to learn how they could help. At last, “Hawkeye” was located next to the river in Hudson yesterday, Dec. 8th. Everyone was thrilled with the anticipation that “Hawkeye” would be rescued and his ordeal would be over. However, the number of well meaning people who turned out to “rescue” him only frightened him, and he ran away. Sadly, he remains lost, but his searchers are unwilling to give up until they find him.
This is a newsworthy story of a lost dog and people who don’t even know each other, who are trying to find him and deliver him to Texas for a “friend” they’ve never met. We need more people to be aware that they need to call someone if they see “Hawkeye”, in order for the searchers to know where to search for him. Would you please broadcast a story about “Hawkeye” and the good people of Barrel Horse World on your radio station? People from all over the United States will be grateful for your help. Thank you!
Here is the information we need to get out:
Hawkeye is a blue merle Australian Shepherd with white around the neck and on his legs. He is 20 inches tall and weighs 50 lbs.
The most current sightings: Multiple sightings in the Hudson, WI area since Wednesday, December 3. Seen Monday, December 8 in Lake Front Park in Hudson. People tried to catch him and he crossed the river into MN at the railroad tracks. He could be in the Stillwater/Bayport area now, back in Lake Front Park or around the Afton area.
If you see Hawkeye, do not approach him or try to catch him as he will run. He is people shy and very, very scared. Please call one of the numbers listed below with the time and location of the sighting:
Lynette Beckman 715-220-2373, Debbie Hackett 817-991-5074, Jamie Murphy 507-261-1103
Linda from OH