Our sweet little Heidi, found me on a snowy December night in 1996 while I was putting up Christmas lights for my Mom. She was 14 months old, but still very much a baby. She belonged to a neighbor who couldn’t take proper care of her. There had been abuse and neglect involved. She wandered over to my Moms house on that cold December night and found me. I looked down and saw this little creature looking up at me with a look that said “I found you!” My son Jim was with me and told me that the woman that owned her was looking for a home for her. I wasn’t sure what I was even seeing she was so matted and wet. But, I saw a love in her eyes that I had never seen before so without hesitation, I picked up that sweet, wet and shivering baby and never put her down. The woman gave me her papers and wished us well. My Heidi became my shadow. She saw me through so many of lifes hard times and sorrows, including the loss of my Mom on April 11, 1999, followed by my sister 5 weeks later. A divorce followed that. Life lessons and changes, Heidi and I weathered them all together. In August 2002 I met Clyde and Heidi got another love in her life. She was his “Doodle Dog.” He loved her and she loved him. I was so happy to have met someone that could love her as much as he did. We took her camping, made sure she had all of her “cookies”, toys and just loved her. Her soul spoke to us. She was so special, even taking a moment to “pray” over her food before beginning her meal. Just a soulful little girl.
This past February, her “sister” Mandy, my sons Calico cat came back to live with us. She had been living with my ex-husband out in the country but my son wanted to move back to the city and bring his cat. Mandy had issues with Heidi when I first got her, as Mandy is 4 years older and, A CAT! Mandy had been an only pet for 4 years and had to adjust. I thought there might be a few left over issues when she was coming back, but there were none at all. Old age mellowed Mandy, and Heidi was grateful I’m sure. As with any aging pet, you start to dread “that day.” Heidi was 12 years old, but still doing pretty good. She had some of the aging problems that many dogs get, but overall, she was in good shape. She was, however, becoming increasingly fearful of storms. It was getting much worse as she aged. Fireworks also freaked her out.
On Monday, June 9, 2008, we had a string of storms roll in. She was beside herself with fear. Nothing we could do would ease her fear. The storms passed, but she was still agitated. When I knew she needed to go outside to go potty, she went without fear, but then turned around to come back in without taking care of business. I told her, “you go pee, hurry and go pee.” When I went back to let her in, she was gone. The gate was closed but there was a gap that she somehow squeezed through. In the 8 years of living here, she had NEVER squeezed through that gate. The night was heavy, and eerily still. We drove around for a few minutes but couldn’t find her. We parked back at home, called the police to alert them that she was missing in case someone had her and had called them, and then we started out on foot. It was now around 11:30 PM After walking a few blocks in the direction we normally walked her, Clyde saw something laying in the middle of the street. He ran over and it was our Heidi Bear. It was too late. Our sweet little angel lay wet and dead in the street. She had just been hit by a car. I broke completely down, in total shock, screaming NO, oh GOD NO! He carried her home, both of us broken and in complete tears. Shocked and numb, we wept together petting our little Heidi. We wrapped her with 2 of her “babies” and brought her inside for the rest of the night. The next morning we made arrangements and took her and had her cremated. We have her back here with us, if only in a box. Her soul will forever be with ours. She was our baby girl, and always will be.
Heidi, I love and miss you so much. My heart is so broken. In time my sorrow and pain will lighten, but my love for you will be as strong as a mountain, for all of eternity. You blessed my life for 10 1/2 years, and Clydes for nearly 6 years. I thank God that He chose me for you to find, on that snowy, December night.
Edna from MI