Buck’s Lonestar “Lady”
Dear Mark,
I am a contractor in California. I listen to Rush and Sean everyday and I am a big fan yours as well. I love it when Sean has you on his show to get your perspective or hits the “SHUT UP YOU BIG DOPE” button for the extreme morons & seminar callers.
I can still remember Sean interviewing you regarding the release of “Rescuing Sprite” and ordered it afterwards.
My black lab “Lady” will be 14 this New Years Day…she is spoiled rotten and part of the family. It is going to break my heart to part with her on this earth. A few months back she had a hip injury and we thought it was cancer setting in as she was loosing her appetite etc.
There is a fine line of when their “Quality of Life” is gone and us just hanging on for something that is enevitable and not letting go. I am including a picture of her riding in my truck. It is from the day we had to make that dreaded trip to the Vet.
She has taken a turn for the better and we have found soft food that she likes. My two sons say their prayers were answered!! We are just enjoying each day we have with her!
Marty from CA