In 1999, following a separation from my husband, I promised a dog to my ten, nine year old daughter. Since I was employed full-time and she was in school, I insisted we adopt a housebroken dog from a shelter. For some reason, she had decided upon a husky as the breed of choice. Having always had a dog in my life, I was receptive to acquiring one, but did not know anything about the temperament of the breed. I suggested we go onto the website of a well known animal organization in the area, PAWS. Several co-workers, in past years, had adopted healthy, pure bred dogs from this shelter.
The first dog that appeared on their roster was Aspen, a siberian husky. Immediately, my daughter exclaimed that was the dog! We contacted the shelter and after jumping through hoops, interviews, and a home visit, we came home with Aspen. We were told at the time Aspen was approx one and half years. We have had her ever since. She has helped me through my divorce, through the loss of jobs, through catastrophic illness, and has always been there for me with a smile on her face and at the ready with a kiss. She has been the biggest blessing in my life next to my daughter.
In the past two years, I moved into a pre-war apartment building, third floor. In Sept 2007, I left for work one rainy day, as always. Around 11 am, I receive a frantic call from my upstairs neighbor, a nurse, that Aspen fell out the window to the asphalt driveway below (approx the equivalent of 4 stories). She scooped the dog up with the aide of a male neighbor and rushed her to a local vet. When I arrived at the veterinary hospital, I was told the dog survived with 2 broken teeth and bad bruises, but no broken bones or internal injuries.
Aspen has completely recovered (minus the loss of 2 teeth!) and has returned to her normal, loving, active self. It was a miracle she survived. After reading Mark’s book, Rescuing Sprite, I dread the time when she becomes ill as a result of age and the end draws near. I can’t express enough how much I identified with Mark’s emotions and deep love for his dogs. They are truly a gift bestowed upon us.
Jeanne from NY