
Noel and Murgie

I had the dog of my dreams…a golden retriever. She was the best dog in the world! She was a rescue from the SPCA and had a big fear of thunder and lightning storms. She once chewed through our mattress during a storm when we were away. We got her when she was about 3 years old and she had recently had a litter of pups. She also had heartworms. We treated her for the heartworms and worked her through her fears, and she became the stabilizing factor in my life. She was the kindest, most gentle, forgiving, and patient being I’ve ever known. We lost her three years ago to lymphatic cancer. She was sick, but never complained. One morning after a very hard night, she came downstairs to go outside and collapsed on the front porch where she died. I still get tears in my eyes when I think about it. Dogs are the most perfect form of love that we’ll ever know on this earth. I applaud all of those who visit their local shelters and adopt an animal who desparately needs a home. I hope to see my girl again someday in heaven.

Cathy from Texas

Noel and Murgie