

It is difficult to even write about my best buddy, Baily, even a year after his death, which is why this will be short.

Baily was a wonderful Golden Retriever and he was my best friend for almost 13 years. We went through many good times and bad times and he was always there for me. He was truly this man’s best friend.

We did almost everything together and went almost everywhere. The only times I did not take him with me was when I was on Army Reserve duty, and even then there were several times when I managed to get assignments where I could take him along. He was the perfect traveling companion.

Baily died at 10:30 am on November 3, 2006 and finally, on November 4, 2007 I put away the last remembrances of my Baily – his collar, leash, samples of his beautiful fur, his favorite chew toy, his towel, and blanket. Along with his ashes they went into a special box which is now at the back of my bedroom closet.

But what I want to mention now is some of the good times we had – which revolved around the Mark Levin Show.

When I came home from work, I would throw open the door and say, “Good evening my friends, this is Mark Levin!” Baily would run around the apartment in his particular way – to show how happy he was to see me. And on warm evenings we would sit out on the patio and listen to Mark. I would smoke a cigar and Baily would lay by my side and watch the world go by. We would talk to neighbors and they would pet him and he loved it. All was right with the world.

Baily’s material things are in my bedroom closet now but he will always be in my heart and mind.

John from MD